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Secret Lives of Scientists and Engineers


Michio Kaku

Physicist/Figure Skater

Physicist Michio Kaku's dream is to find the "unified theory of everything." But he does take breaks to go figure skating.

Mae Jemison:

I Wanted To Go Into Space

Mae Jemison describes her journey from space-loving girl in Chicago to astronaut looking down on Chicago and thinking about her younger self.

Mae Jemison is a physician, engineer, educator, entrepreneur and the first woman of color in the world to go into space - she was a NASA astronaut for six years. Currently Mae devotes much of her attention to the 100 Year Starship, which she says is "pursuing an extraordinary tomorrow to create a better world today." In her spare moments, Mae is a lifelong and accomplished dancer.

Mayim Bialik

Blossoming To Science

With a few Emmys under its belt and a few more nominations, 'Big Bang Theory' has exploded in a cloud of laughs and quadratic equations. Mayim Bialik, formerly of Blossom fame and a proven whiz kid in the classroom.

Bill Nye "The Science Guy"

Bill Nye uses the unlikely pairing of Steve Martin and Carl Sagan as role models to become "the Science Guy."

Bill Nye is a Cornell-trained engineer who worked at Boeing before winning a gazillion Emmys and turning millions of kid onto science as "Bill Nye, the Science Guy." The man also totally knows how to rock a bow tie.

Neil deGrasse Tyson

When I look up

Neil deGrasse Tyson is an astrophysicist and the Director of the Hayden Planetarium at the American Museum of Nature History.

Janna Levin

I'm Still That Same Kid

Janna Levin looks out the window, up at the sky, and asks the same questions she did as a little girl.

Janna Levin is a Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Barnard College of Columbia University. Her research focuses on the early universe, chaos and black holes. When she isn't trying to figure out why anything exists, Janna writes novels including the much-celebrated "A Madman Dreams of Turing Machines."

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